Monday, July 18, 2005

sunday afternoon

We all know why Sunday is called the day of rest. What else can you do but rest with a massive headache and a gooey taste in your mouth. Yeah, you were invincible Saturday night, dancing on bar tops and singing with stray cats. But when Sunday rolls around, you're whimpering for your mommy and cursing the sun for being too bright.

You stumble out to find nourishment, hoping the right food combo will calm the storm brewing in your stomach. You have $7 in your wallet from buying one too many $12 mojitos last night. So you drag your sorry butt to Pho Grand.

A nice steaming bowl of pho arrives within seconds of ordering. You dip the thinly sliced beef in Sriracha and Hoisin sauce, waking up those dulled taste buds. You slurp down the broth, fragrant with lemongrass and Thai basil. Warm, filling, delicious.

You top off your late lunch with a glass of their beautifully crafted Vietnamese iced coffee, rich and freshly brewed espresso sweetened with condensed milk. Fully awake now finally (at 4PM) and invincible again. Heck, you're ready to do it all over again next weekend.

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