Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raw Vegan

If you can't tell already, I'm an eater. I enjoy multi course meals. With lots of wine. I love butter, offal, and bacon. And yes, I clean my plate more often than not. But I don't always eat like that.

When I'm not eating out or ordering in, I eat raw vegan. This works out to about 3 non-raw vegan meals a week and the rest are raw vegan, sometimes more, sometimes less. Yeah, I know that makes very little sense. How does one go from bbq short rib cheeseburgers from one meal to rabbit food the next. But there you go. I've been eating raw vegan for a few months now and truthfully, I love it. I'm happy, energetic, and blissful when I eat RV. I love food, but I also love feeling good.

My usual breakfast is a green smoothie. I basically blend two bananas with a bunch of spinach. Sometimes mangoes takes place of the naners. Sometimes romaine takes place of the spinach. Basically anything that is about to go bad goes into my blender. A smoothie and a coffee = my liquid breakfast. I can't quit you, coffee!

Lunch is usually lots and lots of fruit. Like 10 cups of honeydew. Yes, it takes patience and a stretchy stomach to succeed. Snacks are usually dates (omgtheyaresoyummy), goji berries (omgtheyaresoyummy), and some more fruit. I heart fruit, especially watermelons. I can eat 2 large watermelons in one week by myself. Probably more if they weren't so damn heavy and so damn hard for me to bring them back to my apt. The only time I wish I had a car is when I grocery shop.

For dinner, I usually eat lettuce wraps. A lot of them. Like 1/2 to 1 head of lettuce. I'll eat that with salsa (usually homemade, about 1 huge bowl worth) and 1/2 of an avocado. Below you will see my SPREAD. Don't worry, I don't eat all of that in on night. I do clean the bowl of salsa. But the rest, I eat until I'm full and pack it up for the next night.

Sometimes, I'll make a raw soup to eat with my lettuce and crudites stuff. My favorite is Choosing Raw's carrot/avo/ginger soup. So easy to make, so friggin good.

I'm too lazy to attempt all the gourmet raw recipes out there. Sometimes I get fancy and add some fresh herbs. But that's the extent of my un-cooking.

One night I got really fancy and made myself a fennel, avocado, romaine, tomato, corn, and watermelon rind salad topped with more watermelon chunks (did I not tell you I'm obsessed?). The recipe was adapted from a non-vegan dish at a restaurant I ate at recently. My salad was dressed simply with lemon juice and salt. I added dill and cilantro to the salad. Fancy right? dill and cilantro. That's two herbs! TWO! It was sooo good. I'm probably going to eat more tomorrow.

So there you go. A day in the life of me. I eat raw vegan because I choose to eat simply. I don't include meat in my meals because I don't want to, not because I "can't". It's not a deprivation diet. It's vibrant, colorful, juicy, sweet, sour, spicy, crunchy, creamy. It nourishes.

We will return to our regular programming for the next post with Sho Shaun Hergatt.

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