Friday, May 29, 2009

Taiwanese Breakfast

Oh man, at the rate I'm blogging about my trip to Asia, by the time I'm done, it will be time for another vacation.   

It's very hard to find Taiwanese style breakfast in NYC, so I was super excited to eat it everyday in Taipei.  There are two main types of Taiwanese breakfast, the first  is soy milk or rice milk with different types of pancakes.  My favorite type of pancake is a flat sesame pancake stuffed with scramble eggs.  So simple, but dang is it good.  I loved the chili sauce the random breakfast place we went to (every morning for 3 days straight.  Yep, I'm that loyal, or lazy/boring, whatever).  It was all garlicky and stuff.  Don't thank me for my awesome descriptions!  Trust me, they will only get awesomer.  Yes, AWESOMER.

Then there was this super crispy tube cracker thing lightly coated with molasses on the inside.  I have no idea what it was when I ordered it.  But how could it be bad coated in sesame.  Plus it was tube shaped!  All good things comes in tube shapes!  Hot dogs!  Straws!  I rest my case.  The cracker thing was yummy.  Even yummier when dipped into soy bean milk.

Oh soy bean milk, I heart thee.  You can get sweet soy milk or salty soy milk.  Salty soy milk?  What?!  That's what I'm imagining you're saying right now.  Then you slam your hand down and say, "preposterous!".  But seriously, I swear, hot salty soy milk exists!  and it's delicious!  You gotta eat it with fried crullers.  Rip up the long fried crullers (not too much flavor on its own) and dunk that stuff in the soy milk.  Risk 3rd degree burns and eat up!

The other kind of Taiwanese breakfast is porridge plus random stuff.  This was what I ate growing up.  Lucky me!  Our hotel had it as a part of their continental breakfast buffet!  I topped my porridge with spicy pickled daikons (the yellow stuff), pickled cukes (the black stuff), and stewed ground pork (the ground pork stuff.  There is nothing amazing or bad about this.  It was just warm and comforting.  Reminds me of home.  

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