Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Completo and Domino

Food stuff between buns are often eaten for their portability and convenience.  But here in Chile, the buns are less of a vehicle to keep you hands clean and the ingredients from your shirt.  They try, oh how valiantly they try to contain and maintain order.  But even the most brawny buns are no match for the overflowing layers of condiments.  Here in Chile, sandwiches and hot dogs are tackled with knife and fork.

Domino is a popular sandwich and hot dog chain in Santiago.  You get to choose a meat, like hot dog, roast pork, chicken, etc.  and then condiments, like fried egg, bacon, bbq sauce.  I opted for mechada, sliced stewed beef, with the most classic of all toppings, the Dinamica - guac, mayo, tomatoes, and Chilean's idea of cole slaw (Americana sauce).  Basically what you would find on the famous Chilean completo.  Do you see all that?  The inch of guac and inch of mayo?  Yep, I ate that.  The stewed beef was really flavorful while the condiments were mild enough that the flavor of the meat really comes through.  I thought the pound of mayo would have really weighed down the sandwich, but it was really light and fluffy, like it was whipped.  I vote to trade our McDonalds for Domino.  .

One Sunday, I ate a completo for breakfast.  Don't judge me.  At least it was a relatively "small" completo.  See the unnaturally white mayo?  Was it necessary to put half a jar of that on one hot dog?  But if you can, why not.  You can eat a completo for breakfast too, I won't judge.

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